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Payroll Software In Kenya

Are you looking for the best payroll software ideal for a small business in Kenya? Our payroll management system is designed to automate the entire salary processing function for hundreds of employees within shortest time. This salaries processing software enables the admin officers to specify employee earnings and deductions which will appear in the pay slip. This payroll system ensures compliance with all statutory requirements such as PAYE, NHIF, NSSF, HELB etc. What is more, we offer free trial license to enable clients interact with the system before making a commitment. Having interacted with the trial version, we shall send our technician to help setup the licensed version.

payroll system Kenya

The Premier salaries processing system is popular among small and medium-sized businesses. At only KES 197,200 our premier payroll software is suitable for businesses in Kenya with hundreds of employees like the EPZ companies and factories. Also easy to use, very light on the computer, and extremely customizable. The one time payment caters for the license, system setup and installation and user training. No annual subscription fees. As a matter of fact, contact us today for a 45-day free trial download.

Easily access important system features e.g. send pay slips on email, comply with statutory returns (PAYE, P9 forms NHIF, NSSF). Others include leave management, employee benefits management (salary and commission, overtime payment), bank transfer.

What is payroll system?

Payroll system software is a program installed in a computer used for managing and processing salaries for employees. Also, the program helps in ensuring compliance with statutory requirements in Kenya such as PAYE, NHIF and NSSF.

Best Payroll Software Price in Kenya

PriceKES 197,200
Maximum number of employeesunlimited
Supported companies per licenseTHREE
Monthly statutory deductionsPAYE, NSSF, NHIF, HELB, NITA
KRA annual returnsiTax, P9 form
PayslipsSend on email/ Print
Payroll entriesBasic pay, allowances and deductions
Salaries paymentbank transfer
Time attendance management integrationyes
Overtime calculationyes
Leave management and leave days trackingyes
LicensingOne time perpetual license.

What are the features of payroll software?

  • Employee personal data management
  • Earning and deduction entries
  • Print payslips/ send payslips on email
  • Statutory deductions: PAYE, NSSF, NHIF, HELB
  • KRA returns; P9 forms, iTax files
  • Electronic salary processing (bank file)
  • Supports unlimited number of employees per company

The main features of a payroll system are company details tab, employee details module, muster roll, pay slips, payroll transactions file, earnings and deductions module, and bank transfer file. Other features include monthly returns module, annual returns file. The system also has security features like audit trail and backup and restore functionality.

What is the main purpose of a payroll system?

The main function of a payroll system is to pay employees in a simple, safe and efficient manner. Secondly, the system also ensures compliance with the employment laws of the country. Thirdly, the system safely keeps records of employees such as salaries and benefits, electronic pay slips, next of kin details which can retrieved in future when need be.

Contact us now for the best payroll management system suitable for small and medium businesses in Kenya

Our system is light on computer resources; easy to learn and use. Its simplicity makes it the most popular payroll software among payroll accountants and tax consultants.

Key features of the Payroll Management System

Employee data management

With our system, the HR department can capture critical information about the employees. The details include official names, date of birth, contacts, and the next of kin. Other details captured include the date of employment, list dependents, academic qualifications, etc.

Secondly, the payroll software has made it easy to implement the reporting structures as depicted in the organogram. For instance, there are pre created positions such as CEO, Accountant, Human Resource Manager, Corporate Sales Executives, etc. In our system, the superuser is able to create employee categories e.g. permanent, contract, or casual. For companies with branches, employees can be assigned across different branch offices or stations. This feature is especially applicable to organizations or retail businesses with branches distributed across the country.

Payroll and HR software

Multi-user environment

This system enables efficiency in a multi-user environment. System users can log in from any computer within the network. Unlike other systems, our system allows many users to perform tasks concurrently.

There is inter connectivity through the network. All the time attendance machines operate on the interconnected network. As a result, The electronic attendance register from locations A, B, and C can be accessible from one server. There is no need to move from one location to the other collecting attendance information from all the branch offices.

Send pay slips on email

Being friendly to the environment is one of our core values. Therefore, instead of printing hundreds of payslips, our system has a module that enables sending payslips on email. To start with, the employee email addresses need to be entered into the system. The email addresses will be captured on every employee’s profile. Then, after updating the payroll with various allowances and deductions, the payslip will be ready for sending.

Now, the administrator will login into the system, and proceed to the procedure. The emails can be sent one by one or in batches, that is, send payslips to more than 100 employees at one go. Still, emails can be sent in other categories. For example, the administrator can choose to send payslips for Nairobi region together and the same for Mombasa region.

When the employee gets the email, he will need a password to open the payslip. The password will be the last 4 digits of the employees KRA PIN. Where the PIN is missing, the default password will be set which can be used by the employee. Nonetheless, the email sent usually includes a help on the password the employee will use to open the electronic payslip.

Electronic payments and electronic Payslips. Premier payroll software interfaces with several banks enabling electronic salary payments i.e. EFT and RTGS. The system produces professionally designed payslips. The payslips can further be customized to reflect company corporate colors and themes. The payslips can be printed or sent to the employees via email.

Executing month end procedure (closing a pay period)

This is a period end procedure performed when closing a current month in order to transition to a new pay period. For instance, month end procedure will be done to close data entry for the month of March, assuming March is the current pay period, and begin a new month of April. This procedure saves all the payroll transactions specific to the present pay period and creates new payroll transactions for the new month.

best payroll software in Kenya

Once month end procedure has been done, no more editing or adjustments will be allowed. Therefore, this procedure should only be done once the administrator has verified all reports for the present month. The system prompts the administrator to backup company data before proceeding with the period end procedure. Even so, it is advisable the administrator backs up the system whenever new changes have been made to the system.

Benefits of the best Payroll software in Kenya

The biggest headache that human resources managers face is how to avoid duplication of employee files. Duplicated files create a lot of confusion. This kind of confusion demotivates the HR officers from doing their work effectively. Technically, they spend half of the day searching for the original documents and doing fresh refiling. Moreover, it becomes difficult for HR officers to keep track of staff development without a record of history.

pay period

However, you can avoid duplication of data. As a matter of fact, you can use our system to completely eliminate file duplication from your organization. Indeed, this system has been used to eliminate duplicate files and restore order to the company. In so doing, everyone concerned, be it the administration officer or the HR officer, will have to access the same data. The original data. Because within the system there is only one version of the staff file. And it is the correct version.

When there is order within the organization, productivity improves. The HR officer will no longer be spending countless hours looking for staff files. With the system in place, the company employees can use their professional skills to add value to the company. In fact, the time that would otherwise be spent in employee file authentication would be used productively in achieving company objectives.

With so many companies that offer almost similar solutions, it becomes a challenge to get the right deal from a payroll management system provider. This is especially true if you are running a small company. Nonetheless, our system is responsive for small businesses. This system is simple to use, light on computer usage, and very affordable, very suitable for small businesses in Kenya.

Employee time attendance management

Keeping track of employee time and attendance can be a nightmare. Our system has an inbuilt feature for capturing employee attendance. This feature also ensures fidelity, especially when handling overtime payment allowances.

payroll software for small business company Kenya

Payroll data management

The database capacity is never an issue with the system. Our system has the capacity to accommodate an unlimited number of employees, an unlimited number of companies. The system can run on different operating system platforms e.g. Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, Linux.

Statutory deductions

The developers of the payroll system are aware of the statutory requirements. Our system is compliant with PAYE Kenya and iTax system. Additionally, NHIF new rates and NSSF deductions are inbuilt. This enhances

File compatibility

No doubt that administration officer just love to work with Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. The system enables administrators to download and upload files in excel formats. We understand how file compatibility is important to organizational continuity.

Salaries management system

Leave Management

The leave management module provides an easy way to process leave days according to the agreed employment contracts. The system allows you to document when the leave days started, up to the date it ends. And it automatically deducts from the 21 or 30 allocated number of leave days. Leave balances report will be available and can be downloaded in PDF or excel format for the HR personnel. And also manage employee personal data with a lot of privacy. We continue to receive very positive feedback from our clients because the payroll system can be customized to suit specific organizational needs. Hence, the payroll management system is being used by different businesses cross-cutting various sectors of the economy.

System Security and Audit trail

Payroll information is sensitive data to any organization. Hence, the Premier Payroll management system in Kenya ensures that users only access what the user access levels allow. Moreover, users are regularly prompted to update their login passwords every month.

Data security is further enhanced through daily file backup. In Premier payroll, not every user can restore the system. This is a security measure used for keeping data integrity.

Electronic payment of salaries

Gone are the days when salary processing was a tiring and boring task. Accountants dreaded month-end processing because of the inefficient tools they used. Today, the system fully automates salary processing making the duty fun and fulfilling. We have included a list of banks and their codes to facilitate salary processing. No need for the payroll to manually enter the codes whenever they want to process the monthly payments.

payroll master

With Premier salaries processing software you can generate various reports. These reports can be used to facilitate strategic or management decisions.

  1. Benefits report e.g. monthly salary, muster payroll report.
  2. Allowances reports e.g. overtime report, house allowance, and vehicle allowance
  3. Employee Time attendance system report. The HR manager can tell which departments had the highest number of overtime incidences. This report enables you to make a management decision about whether to hire more employees or restructure the entire department.
  4. Employee Leave management report
  5. Loans, salary advance, and other deductions report
  6. Statutory contributions reports e.g. NSSF report, NHIF rates, PAYE report

With the capability to do all the above functions and much more, our system is no doubt one of the best payroll software in Kenya. Above all, ORACO Kenya has a team of highly professional IT Support Specialists who will provide software installation, and offer reliable user training and support.

Payroll system installation

A simplified way to process employee salary. First, specify all payments and deductions applicable per employee. This data then produces payroll summary, monthly returns, and pay slips. Monthly return reports also include PAYE, NHIF, NSSF, NITA, HELB etc.

The system supports various pay frequencies. A key feature for companies with various terms of employment. Namely: casual employees who receive weekly wages, contract, and permanent and pensionable employees who receive monthly salaries.

Complete setup and installation only tales 2 days. We usually share an employee data template before installation. This Microsoft excel format template will then be used to upload employee information into the system to enable quick system setup. We provide free setup and installation and user training for all our payroll software clients.

system installation

Our system supports an unlimited number of users. However, there is one super user who can create users and assign them rights according to function. Also, super user has access to full menu, including backup and system restore. Separation of duties can be enforced by assigning a user rights based on what they do. For example, leave management, and personnel data updates can be assigned to a HR officer. Likewise, control account, and payroll master can be assigned to the accounts officer.

The system produces various reports. Namely monthly reports like NSSF report or pay slips and annual report like P9 forms. The user can choose to print each report after viewing. Then again, users have the flexibility of printing only the page being viewed or a range of pages from a report. Even so, the entire report can be printed if need be.

Payroll Users and user categories

The Super Administrator

The supervisor is the system administrator. He has full rights over system use. Basically, he creates other users within the system and assigns them roles and rights. The users created include the personnel manager and the administrator. The person can perform system recovery and even restore the backup. He is also able to edit employee details, modify payroll fields and close the pay period.

system users

The Personnel manager

Basically, the role revolves around managing employee details. He adds new employees to the system. Also, he retires the employees who have left the organization. He also updates the employee leave module, that is, entering the leave days used and the balance carried forward.

The Payroll Accountant

The payroll accountant processes the monthly salaries for all the employees. He updates earnings and benefits according to the employment contract. For instance, some employees are entitled to airtime allowance while others transport allowance. At the same time, he also updates leave allowance, commission earnings, salaries in arrears, etc. He also performs the month-end operation, sends net salary to individual employee bank accounts, and prints payslips or sends via email. He also does other duties as allocated by the supervisor.

Payroll System support and maintenance

All things considered, Kenyan administrators love our system due to its simplicity and high level security. As a matter of fact, no advanced training required to start using the system. As part of value addition, an IT support technician will be assigned to each corporate account.

Contact us today for the Premier payroll software in Kenya; and free setup and user training for the licensed version.

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