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The advent of distributed systems, Software as a Service, and remote working present huge cybersecurity challenges. Managing security in the new work environment requires an innovative solution that is both flexible and affordable. Hence the need for an Identity as a Service (IDaaS) solution that secures remote working infrastructure as well as cloud applications. PortalGuard Identity as a Service solution leverages biometric identity and multifactor authentication to enable secure access to remote systems and applications.

see also; biometric access control system

Your company’s digital transformation continues as it strives to provide powerful services to its consumers and employees. At the same time, new cybersecurity challenges emerge as a result of these changes, such as the use of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications and the shift to a remote workforce. The kind of technological transformation witnessed in today’s business environment point to innovation aimed at flexibility.

Features of the PortalGuard Identity as a Service platform

Remote access authentication

Controlling who has access to which applications and data is becoming increasingly difficult when access expands outside your company’s four walls. The transition to a remote workforce is here to stay, and cybercriminals will have a new attack surface to target as a result.

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Consolidation of several passwords

More passwords are necessary as we move to the cloud and connect with consumers and employees online. Every new application, for example, may require a new login and password. In most firms, preventing user complaints about having to remember several passwords is a goal.

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Great User experience

The events of this decade have resulted in significant behavioral changes. This accelerates the transition to the new normal. Customer, as well as Employee interactions, are becoming increasingly remote, mobile, virtual, and asynchronous. The digital user experience will become a major factor as to when a customer purchases a product? Frequently, security objectives are set that must be met. These specifications will obstruct the delivery of the ideal customer experience.

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Reduce operational expenses

Most IT departments are underfunded, overburdened, and lack dedicated cybersecurity personnel. Because of the quick changes required to combat cyber threats and adopt the new systems your company requires, security issues, principles, and tactics are frequently pushed to the bottom of the priority list. Identity as a Service automates most of this cybersecurity and IT security functions reducing the need to deploy more IT staff.

Compliance with industry regulators

Industry regulators have put in place standards to prevent cyber risk and assure data privacy. Achieving compliance with a variety of demanding requirements is frequently a top priority and a legal requirement. While legislation like HIPAA, GLBA, GDPR, and FERPA continue to raise the security bar, it becomes increasingly difficult to avoid compromising the user experience.

Identity and Access Management Platform

Stopping ransomware and phishing assaults has become a primary headache for all businesses across the world. System security can only be guaranteed only to the extent that every login can be authenticated. PortalGuard offers a Single Sign-On platform that ensures no unauthorized access to the ERP, CRM systems other desktop applications succeeds.

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PortalGuard Identity as a Service solution in Kenya integrates both biometric identities with multifactor authentication to provide secure access to systems and applications. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, Customer relationship management (CRM) systems, desktop applications, cloud applications, etc. This solution conveniently integrates with your cloud ERP as an Identity as a Service solution. It can also be deployed on-premise on your local server.

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Main features of the PortalGuard system

Multifactor authentication

The use of multi-factor authentication (MFA) has become the industry standard for preventing illegal access. In fact, PortalGuard provides a total of 15 different authentication solutions, including industry-leading biometrics. To assist balance security and convenience, PortalGuard also enables Contextual Authentication and Passwordless alternatives.

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Remote identity and authentication through biometrics

Biometrics are quickly replacing passwords as the most secure and convenient way to authenticate a user, not simply their device. The WEB-key® biometric technology from BIO-key and PortalGuard provide a low-cost alternative to more expensive authentication techniques. Also, Microsoft-certified Windows Hello USB fingerprint readers are available from BIO-key.

Single Sign-On (SSO) feature

Create a single point of access for all of your applications with out-of-the-box integrations to enable SSO to even the most difficult-to-integrate systems. SAML, WS-Federation, OAuth, OpenID Connect, Shibboleth, and CAS are among the open standards applications supported by PortalGuard.

User self-service platform for resetting the password (SSPR)

End-User Self Registration, Forgotten Username Lookup, Account Unlock, Password Reset, and Password Recovery are just a few of the self-service features available with SSPR. Hence, the self-service password reset feature minimizes password reset calls to the IT support company by up to 95%.

Contact us today for the best cybersecurity solution that combines biometric identity with multi-factor authentication to enable secure access to remote systems in Kenya.

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