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Situations and circumstances have forced organizations to consider remote working options to further business goals. Indeed, organizations the world over are setting up the remote working infrastructure to enable employees to continue being productive in spite of the challenges.

For a start, organizations must acquire a network firewall that can provide a VPN connection, web and application filter, email scanning and protection. Additionally, have in place endpoint protection software that can offer data encryption.

see; SIP trunk provider

Be that as it may, user awareness should be created with the main focus on secure logins and the use of secure internet. Without proper guidance, employees can end up using free internet at restaurants which can compromise the entire company operation. Still, multi factor user authentication can help reduce situations where user accounts have been compromised particularly for cloud services.

Nonetheless, technology has made remote working easier. In fact, with a VoIP PBX system in place, employees can still be able to access company telephone remotely. Below, we highlight all that needs to be put in place to ensure a smooth transition from the office work environment to a remote office.  

Guidelines for setting up remote working infrastructure

User training

All users need to be trained on how to access the company ERP system remotely. Also, can be trained on how to set up productivity tools such as outlook to send and receive emails from home. Furthermore, all users need to be made aware of the importance of not compromising endpoint security protection. Therefore, users can also be trained on how to use the self-service portal to change passwords and update settings regularly as recommended by the IT department.

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System software upgrades

Before exposing the ERP system to the internet, the IT staff must ensure that all participating devices are safe. Actually, software updates, firmware upgrades, and patch installations need to be done as the first step. Hence, when setting up a remote office, the server software and endpoint operating systems need to be up to date. The same applies to Bitdefender internet security.

Device encryption

Company data that is held in laptops and smartphones need to be protected. Encryptions will protect the integrity of the data held inside these devices managed by the employees. In the event of theft of the physical devices, the encryption will ensure that the thugs will not be able to access private company data. Users are encouraged to use encryption tools to secure both company and private devices.

see; biometric access control system

Establish VPN connections to remote office

VPN clients can be installed on all computers being used remotely. The VPN link created will ensure that the data transferred between the server and the remote computer is protected always. When the VPN trunk is set up correctly, the employees will work efficiently knowing very well that they are working in a safe environment.

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Enable cloud computing

The world is fast embracing cloud computing. Storing files in the cloud have brought about flexibility and convenience in performing essential business functions. For example, Microsoft office 365 allows employees to log in from anywhere and be able to access the full office suite. This kind of flexibility creates efficiency for employees who do not have to be locked on one computer. For better security, all employees’ accounts should have multi-factor authentication.

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Controlled usage of external storage peripherals

Most malware attacks tend to be propagated through the use of external storage devices such as USB flash drives and the like. Users must be made aware of the risk associated with unchecked usage of such devices for data transfer. In as much as the endpoint protection software should take care of the risk exposure, remote working users should be discouraged from using external storage before a full scan.

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Web and application filter

Working from home can sometimes tempt employees to lower their guards and resort to browsing unproductivity sites. This behavior can severely affect employee performance. Having in place proper web filtering rules can really help to keep employees in check lest they wander to malicious websites.  

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In summary, remote working a noble concept that only requires the right infrastructure for it to flourish. As long as there is the availability of a secure and reliable internet connection, the rest should be easy. Furthermore, a good network firewall should create the right environment for remote work.

Contact us today for the best remote working strategy.

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